From Disney and visionary director Tim Burton, the all new grand live-action adventure Dumbo, expands on the beloved classic story where differences are celebrated, family is cherished and dreams take flight. “The idea of running away to join the circus is a feeling that always stuck with me,” says Burton. “I never really liked the circus with the captive animals, the clowns, the uncomfortable death-defying acts and- did mention? The clowns! But I understood the idea of it, joining a weird family of outcasts who don’t fit in with normal society- people who are treated differently. That’s what ‘Dumbo’ is about.”
The story of Dumbo emerged more than seven decades ago, catching the eye of Walt Disney, who eventually turned it into the fourth movie put out by Walt Disney Studios. The movie was such a success back then that Tim Burton decided to remake the classic, but this time with a slight different take on the movie. Instead of making another boring remake, which we’ve seen happen multiple times in the past, Burton adds more drama in this remake of the beloved classic. There are a few important original scenes though which still makes it feel like that classic ‘Dumbo’ we fell in love with the first time we saw the cartoon.
In the film, we see family come together after turmoil and heartbreak, we see Dumbo go through loss and heartbreak but in the end finds strength to fly and find what he’s looking for, his mom and true home.
The movie is a tear jerker, in a bittersweet, happy way. Dumbo soars into theaters on March 29.