How to use Self-Modeling Resin in Honkai Star Rail

Self-Modeling Resin in Honkai Star Rail is a unique resource players can use to craft their desired Relic piece in an Omni-Synthesizer. They can acquire this item only after reaching Level 40 on the Nameless Honor. A single Resin can only be obtained per battle pass season, so Trailblazers must judiciously choose their Relic before spending it for good.

Honkai Star Rail is a turn-based RPG title where building stronger characters will prepare you for the tougher late-game content. One way to make them stronger is by equipping them with Relic pieces that have the desired primary stat. Hence, Self-Modeling Resin is an inexpensive material that essentially guarantees the required attribute for a chosen gear.

In this guide, you will learn how to use Honkai Star Rail's aforementioned item to craft an indispensable Relic piece.

Honkai Star Rail’s Self-Modeling Resin can be used to craft Relics in the Omni-Synthesizer

The Relics in Honkai Star Rail work similarly to an artifact set in Genshin Impact, which implies that by equipping them to a character, you can enhance their attributes to increase their combat capabilities.

However, farming for the perfect set can be overwhelming, given that most of their primary attributes are randomized. On that note, the Self-Modeling Resin is a great aid to players as it allows them to cut down on the countless Cavern of Corrosion runs just to collect the final piece of their gear.

To use the limited Resin, you must interact with the Omni-Synthesizer either from the Parlor Car or the game menu. Once you are within the gadgets UI, select the “Relic Crafting” option from the top of the screen. This will show all the Relic sets currently available in Honkai Star Rail.

Now, pick up the required set and click on the specific part you require. A new screen will appear with two more options — “Customized Synthesis” and “Synthesize.” Select the former to choose the Main Stat that is ideal for your gear.

Once you hit confirm, it will automatically pick up the resources needed to synthesize the Relic piece. In this case, the material cost is set at 100 Relic Remains, one Self-modeling Resin, and 1000 credits. On pressing the Synthesize button, you will acquire the set piece with the selected primary stat.

How to obtain Relic Remains

Salvage method is an efficient way to collect Relic Remains (Image via HoYoverse)

Relic Remains is another important resource in Honkai Star Rail that lubricates the gear farming procedure. It can be obtained from the battle pass or by salvaging existing Relics. However, the more sustainable choice of the two sources is the salvage method which can be accessed from the game’s inventory.

Under the Relic section, click on the “Salvage” button and select the pieces that have no use for your characters. It will show the exact exchange amount at the bottom right-hand side of your screen. Hit “Salvage” again and confirm to obtain the Relic Remains.

This summarizes using Self-Modeling Resin to craft Relic pieces in Honkai Star Rail effectively. Note that the main stat selection is completely subjective and falls under the discretion of the Trailblazers.

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