In case you don’t know, Casey Kasem’s children want conservatorship over him, but his current (some say gold digging) wife won’t allow them to even see him, so they are suing. That is the older part of the story. The new part is that the wife has come forth with an offer for them, in hopes they accept it and everyone can move on. Thing is, they are thinking it may be a little too late on her part to try to make amends. It looks like the case is only set to get more and more complicated.
As TMZ reported earlier today, Jean Kasem, Casey Kasem’s wife, came out and tried to make what she thought was some very kind offers to the children, in the hopes they would drop their case. Basically, it boiled down to the fact that they could see their Dad and would be contacted had his condition worsened (he is suffering from dementia right now, among other things). The kicker here is that the kids refused. I think at this point they are feeling the effort is a little late and a little fake. She is not doing this for Casey. She is doing this to protect herself, it seems.
Anytime a family is torn apart, for any reason, it is tragic, and we genuinely hope the Kasem’s can work out all their differences before Casey shuffles off this mortal coil.
Photo by Amanda Edwards/Getty Images